If you’re experiencing food poverty and need help with getting food, we’ve featured 10 top food banks in the North East in the list below.
1. The Bay Foodbank
Established in 2012 in North Shields, the Bay Foodbank was originally intended as a short-term project to help those suffering from the economic effects of the recession. However, economic hardship in the North Tyneside area has only grown, and the Bay Foodbank is in more demand than ever before. Visitors to the foodbank receive prepacked food parcels containing between 4-5 days’ worth of food for each person in the household and often include fresh produce and dairy items, when available.
If you’d like to donate food to the foodbank, you can find a list of drop off locations and commonly needed items here. You can also donate money or volunteer. Contact the Bay Foodbank to find out more.
2. Newcastle West End Foodbank
The Newcastle West End Foodbank opened on Fenwell Lane in Newcastle in 2013. Residents in need of emergency food must first obtain a food voucher from a social service partner. They can then exchange it for a pre-packaged food parcel. Parcels contain at least three days’ worth of non-perishable pantry staples, as well as tea and coffee and can be catered to dietary needs.
If you’d like to support the Newcastle West End Foodbank, there are multiple ways to donate money or look at this page to find how and what donated foods they accept. You can also sign up to be a volunteer if you have spare time during the weekdays. If you have any other questions, contact the food bank using their online message form.
3. Hebburn Helps
Since 2015 in Hebburn, the Hebburn Helps Food Bank and Crisis Response Team supports the vulnerable and economically struggling residents of the Tyne and Wear community. While visitors can access a variety of services, the food parcels provided by the food bank contain long life milk, tinned and jarred foods, dried foods, children’s items, and toiletries.
As a locally run charity, Hebburn Helps depends on donations. They accept food donations of all kinds, both perishable and non-perishable. You can also donate money via bank transfer or PayPal. Contact Hebburn Helps to find out how to donate food or become a volunteer.
4. West Northumberland Foodbank
If you cannot get out to a foodbank and you live in or around the Hexham area, the West Northumberland Foodbank runs a delivery only support service. Those seeking to use the foodbank’s services can find out how here to contact them and when they are likely to receive their food parcels.
You can support the foodbank by donating any of their most needed items found here; drop off locations can also be found at this page. If you’d prefer to donate funds, you can do so using the online service here. To become a volunteer, complete the registration form found here. Contact them if you have any other questions or need more information.
5. Wansbeck Valley Food Bank
The Wansbeck Valley Food Bank opened north of Morbeth in 2013. As one of Northumberland’s largest charity foodbanks, they provide food parcels to anyone referred to them by a local social service partner. Visitors then receive a food parcel with up to three days’ worth of emergency food, such as tinned and dried foods, drinks, biscuits and other snacks.
You can help by donating tinned meats and produce at any of the supermarkets listed here. This page also gives instructions on how to donate funds either through a standing order or PayPal. If you have other questions or want to find out how to become a volunteer, contact the foodbank via email.
6. Connect25 Food Bank
The KC Foundation founded the Connect25 Food Bank in Byker to provide emergency food provisions to those in need living in Byker and surrounding areas. Rather than need a food voucher, the Connect25 Food Bank provides food parcels to anyone who contacts them; those in need simply need to complete a referral form found here.
There are lots of ways to support the Connect25 Food Bank: you can volunteer, fundraise, attend one of their fundraising events, or simply donate money using one of the methods listed here. To donate food or to ask any other questions, contact them anytime.
7. People’s Kitchen
Alison Kay opened the People’s Kitchen in 1985 specifically to help the homeless and rough sleepers in Newcastle. Since then, the People’s Kitchen have expanded to help feed and support any and all who are struggling with food and housing in these uncertain times. Visitors can receive hot meals or emergency food parcels.
It’s easy to support the People’s Kitchen: potential volunteers can find out more here; monetary donations are accepted via text or the food bank’s Just Giving page; and food donations are accepted by appointment. Contact the People’s Kitchen for more information or to find out more about food donations.
8. Billingham and Stockton Borough Foodbank
Based in Billingham, the Billingham and Stockton Borough Foodbank began as a project by life Church Teesside but expanded to include Stockton in 2018, thus becoming Billingham and Stockton Borough Foodbank. Those suffering from food insecurity and economic hardship living in the Billingham and Stockton areas can receive a food voucher for up to three days’ worth of food from any of the foodbank’s partnering social services. Visitors can also get toiletries, baby supplies, pet supplies, clothing, and even household items at any one of the four distribution centres in the area: Hebron Church in Newton, Stockton; Hope Stockton in St. Andrews Church, Hardwick; and St. Michaels and All Angels Church in Norton.
To support the Billingham and Stockton Borough Foodbank, you can donate money via bank transfer or Gift Aid or donate food at any of the participating supermarkets in the Billingham and Stockton areas. To find out how to be a volunteer or to find out any other information, contact the foodbank directly.
9. Gateshead Foodbank
Since their founding in 2018, the Gateshead Foodbank has provided up to three days’ worth of emergency food provisions to those who have received a food voucher from a local social service partner. To serve as many of the area’s residents suffering from food insecurity and economic hardship as they can, the Gateshead Foodbank distributes food parcels from three locations throughout the week—the Gateshead Advice Centre in Gateshead; Blaydon Trinity Methodist Church in Tyne and Wear; and Birtley Methodist Church in Birtley.
Donations are always accepted at the Gateshead Foodbank: you can donate money through any of the methods found here and you can donate food at any of the drop-off points found here. You can also volunteer to help sort, stock, and distribute food at any of the three distribution centres. Contact them to find out more information or if you have any questions.
10. Hartlepool Foodbank
In Hartlepool, the Hartlepool Foodbank opens two mornings a week to provide emergency food parcels to those in receipt of food vouchers. These food parcels contain at least three days’ worth of tinned and dried foods, as well as tea, biscuits and other snacks. Dietary restrictions, such as gluten-free, halal, or vegetarian diets, are also catered to as needed.
You can support the Hartlepool Foodbank by donating money via bank transfer or cheque, or you can donate food at any of the drop-off points found here. You could also volunteer to sort and stock donated food, hand out food parcels, or even help manage the foodbank’s website. For more information about these volunteering options, or any other information, contact the foodbank using their online form.
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